This is what I do for my 'day job'. I thought I'd share some techniques that I use every day for painting the scenes in my local area of Killiney. I take my little dog, Darcy, walking here every day after I've dropped the girls off to college. (It gets me out, and keeps me honest!) When I reach the top of the hill (haven't counted the steps yet) I am rewarded with this beautiful scene. How lucky we are to have such a view! It has become one of my regular stock paintings. It's good, because it keeps me practising my scales, so to speak. Working with subtle greys, and brushstrokes that must translate into a realistic scene is a very good discipline.
The materials used, as always, are Winsor and Newton Artist's watercolours (which are lightfast!) Saunders Waterford Paper, 140lb Cold Pressed (NOT surface) and Pro Arte Brushes (Kolinsky Sable and Series 100, the latter being a mix of sable and nylon for more control).
The colours are French Ultramarine, Cobalt Blue, Burnt Sienna, Venetian Red (or Light Red), touch of Viridian Green, and Paynes Grey.
Have a go! And Happy Painting!